Training to be a Coach

While ICF does not impart any training by self, it certifies institutes that can train for you to be ICF certified Coach. Basic guidelines:
1) Institute should be certified to impart Coach Training

To validate our institute’s legality to impart ICF Certified Coach Specific Training - Click  here & against ‘Training Organization’ type “AlphaStars” and then click search

2) The Trainer should be ICF certified Trainer, minimum ACC level

As we have 2 trainers, to validate if our trainers are ICF Certified Coaches – Click here & against ‘First Name’ type “Sat” or “Siri” and then click search

3) As Coaching is a skilled vocation, every coach needs a mentor Coach. Mentoring Coaches need enhanced skills and so ICF has certified only certain coaches to be Mentors as well

Sat Khalsa, our Lead Trainer is also a Mentor Coach, Click here & against ‘First Name’ type “Sat” and then click search to validate this fact


You will agree that training on any skill requires different skill sets than application of the said skill. That is why we strictly believe, to teach NLP, one must learn NLP teaching skills from the co-creator, Dr. Richard Bandler.
4) Licensed, Certified Trainers of NLP

Both our trainers, ‘Sat & Siri’ are certified to hold Licensed NLP Certification training. To validate - Click here & against ‘First Name’ type “Sat” or “Siri” and then click search

While there are other institutes providing NLP Coach training, our humble request to you, using the above mentioned checks, verify for the institutes & trainers certificate to train.

After all, using these skill sets, you will be impacting many other lives as well.
For more information on AlphaStars and other courses provided, visit